Finchley Jewish Primary School Trust (FJPST) is a charity registered with the Charity Commission (registered charity number 1121959) which supports the School in a number of ways.
- FJPST owns and maintains the building, which it provides for the School’s use during school hours. FJPST has obtained planning permission for a second phase of building works in order to provide the additional classrooms, office space and playground that the School needs as it grows. Read more about these plans.
- FJPST supplements the budget that the School receives from the government, so that the School has both the teachers and resources it needs to continue to provide a high standard of education. This includes funding the curriculum and teachers for Jewish studies, as well as additional classroom assistants and other resources and equipment required across the curriculum.
FJPST relies on donations to fund both the building works and the additional financial support it provides to the School each year. If you would like to make a donation to FJPST, please click the button below.
FJPST is also the Foundation Body of the School, which means it appoints the Foundation Governors and is responsible for overseeing the School’s religious ethos and direction.
If you would like to hire the School hall at weekends from FJPST, for birthday parties, brits, baby namings or engagement parties, please email [email protected] with the subject ‘Hall Hire from FJPST’ and a representative of FJPST will contact you directly to arrange your booking.