We provide a rich and relevant Kodesh (Jewish education) programme, through which our children gain a commitment to Torah values – a strong Jewish identity with a strong positive attitude towards Israel.
We place great importance on the core skills of Hebrew reading and writing and have adopted and refined a rigorous approach to assessing and advancing our children’s levels in both these areas. We use the Tribe Aleph Champ reading scheme and resources to achieve this aim.
The Jewish Curriculum Partnership (JCP) schemes form the basis of our Chumash, Tefilla and Parasha curricula. These have been revised and enhanced by our school to ensure an extremely high standard in these areas.
For our older Key Stage 2 children (aged 9 to 11) we introduce our Mishna curriculum, which teaches the background, history and textual skills associated with Mishna.
We have high aspirations for our Kodesh teaching. Upon leaving the school, a Sacks Morasha pupil should be proficient in the following:
Jewish way of life
- Know the basic halachot to leading an orthodox Jewish life, whether in relation to mitzvot bein adam l’makom (such as Shabbat, kashrut and chagim) or mitzvot bein adam l’chaveiro (such as tzedaka, lashon hara and g’milut chasadim).
- Understand reasons, concepts and values underpinning the Jewish way of life, including life-cycle events.
- Be able to participate confidently in Jewish life at home and in shul.
- Appreciate the beauty and importance of Jewish values and Jewish family life.
- Be familiar with a large number of stories from the Tanach.
- Understand how to use commentaries such as Rashi to gain a deeper appreciation of the Torah.
- Comprehend selected mishnayot in Hebrew and English, and understand the relationship between the written law and the oral law, through practical applications.
- Appreciate the role and continuing centrality of the Torah in modern Jewish life.
- Have the ability to navigate his/her way around a siddur.
- Feel comfortable and confident in an orthodox synagogue.
- Be able to recite and understand the general meaning of the most important tefillot for weekdays, Shabbat and the Chagim.
- Appreciate the importance and relevance of prayer in his/her own life.
- Have a basic understanding of key events in Jewish history.
- Feel a connection with Jewish people around the world and the different minhagim.
- Respect other cultures and the dignity of difference whilst maintaining a strong Jewish identity.
- Have a strong desire to continue on the path of learning. These aspirations will be achieved in 3 main ways:
- dedicated kodesh lessons
- integrating the acquisition of Jewish knowledge with secular learning
- experiential learning, e.g. assemblies, daily tefillah, during meal-times or on school trips.