Please see the results of our Standardised Testing, government-initiated tests and initiatives designed to assess our children at various points throughout their time in primary school. The tests represent a small part of the work we do to ensure all children leave Sacks Morasha ready for secondary school and beyond.
Standardised Testing takes place in Reception in terms of the Early Years Profile, Phonics Screening in Year 1, KS1 SATs in Year 2 and KS2 SATs in Year 6. Both pupils and staff should be congratulated for all their efforts and hard work in ensuring that every student does as well as they possibly can.
Early Years Foundation Stage
At the end of Reception children are expected to reach a ‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD), which is measured against the Early Learning Goals set out by the government. Children will be defined as having reached a GLD at the end of the Early Learning Foundation Stage (EYFS) if they achieve at least the expected level in:
- the early learning goals in the prime areas of learning (personal, social and emotional development; physical development; communication and language)
- the early learning goals in the specific areas of mathematics and literacy.
Phonics Results
This involved the children being asked to read 40 words that were both real and nonsense terms. The children used their phonics to decode them. The national pass mark over the last three years is 32.
In October 2016, we received a letter from Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for School Standards, congratulating pupils on their outstanding achievement in the phonics screening check. Mr Gibb said: “With 100 per cent of pupils at Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School reaching or exceeding the pass mark in the check, your school is in the top 3 per cent of all primary schools in the country”.
End of KS1 results
Pupils are assessed by their teachers throughout the year and take KS1 SATs in May to confirm to the Teacher Assessment level given to the pupils. In 2016 pupils received a grade of ‘Working At’ (WA), the expected level, or ‘Working At Greater Depth’ (WAGD). For more information please download the document linked below.
End of KS2 National SATs results
Our Year 6 pupils took part in the End of Year 6 National Standardised Tests based on the New Curriculum and were given a Teacher Assessment grade in Writing. They also received a standardised score between 80 and 120, with 100 being the minimum score needed to have reached the expected level for the end of primary school. For more information please refer to the document linked below.
We are extremely grateful to our pupils, staff and parents for ensuring there is a successful partnership between us all and ensuring that our school is as successful as it is.
Please click below to view our 2019 results.