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Teaching and Learning – The SACKS MORASHA WAY
We aim to provide high quality teaching and learning experiences for all pupils whatever their level is on entry to the school and beyond. We recognise that every pupil is on their own journey and we strive to ensure each pupil can develop, grow and be the very best they can be. We aim to explore the pupil’s talents and aptitudes and give them the best of us enabling them to be the best they can be.
Over the years we have developed a broad and balanced Chol Curriculum aiming to give them a well-rounded rigorous and interesting experience at Sacks Morasha. We follow the National Curriculum and have worked hard to teach key skills in every subject giving the pupils building blocks to develop their own skills and able to recognise why they are learning certain things.
Our Teachers are interested, passionate and professional aiming to teach our pupils by a variety of methods to get the best out of everyone. With a combination of whole class teaching; group teaching and one to one teaching at times every child can reach their full potential. Interventions in the morning help develop the children’s love of learning ensuring everyone gets support and attention and not focusing on one particular group of children.
We assess on a regular basis as an integral part of our learning to enable our teachers to recognise the strengths, weaknesses and gaps thus ensuring our pupils can move on to make progress. We use a combination of teacher self and peer assessment to assess our pupils. Every pupil in the class is discussed by the Senior Leadership Team and Class Teaching Teams on a half termly basis and strategies for children are put into place, teaching is reflected on and interventions for individual children are organised where necessary.

Learning Styles
Learning styles are often spoken of at Sacks Morasha. We believe every child should be taught with ample opportunities to learn in a way that best suits them. All our lessons are taught using visual, auditory, kinaesthetic and tactile approaches.
To help your son or daughter at home, please contact your class teacher so they can support you in explaining which style best suits your child.