The most recent inspection report and letter by Ofsted and the latest Pikuach report by The Board of Deputies of British Jews are all available to download.
Full Ofsted Report 2014
Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School was inspected on 24-25 June, 2014. Ofsted’s assessment was as follows:
- Achievement of pupils – Good
- Quality of teaching – Good
- Behaviour and safety of pupils – Outstanding
- Leadership and management – Outstanding
Ofsted Letter 2018
A standard one-day inspection was carried out by Ofsted on 30 January 2018 and their follow-up letter confirmed that our school was maintaining its overall ‘Good’ rating. The Inspector’s comments included:
- the school has demonstrated strong practice and marked improvement in certain areas. This may indicate that the school is improving towards being outstanding.
- You and your senior team have very high expectations… improving outcomes for the pupils, both academically and personally.
- Attainment is high
- The school’s development is supported well by a highly effective governing body
- Pupils greatly enjoy learning and are very proud of the school.
- Pupils are highly aspirational about what they can achieve. They have fully embraced skills to help them learn better.
The Inspector therefore recommends that the school now has a full inspection as Ofsted recognises Sacks Morasha is on its journey to being Outstanding. We anticipate a full two-day inspection soon, and certainly within two years.
Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School was inspected on 25-26 February, 2015. The assessment was as follows:
- Quality of Jewish education – Good
- Achievement of pupils in Jewish education – Good
- Quality of teaching and assessment in Jewish education – Good
- Extent to which the Jewish education curriculum meets pupils’ needs – Outstanding
- Quality of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development – Outstanding
- Effectiveness of leadership and management of Jewish education – Outstanding
Applying to Sacks Morasha
If you’re interested in applying for a place for your child at Sacks Morasha Jewish Primary School please visit the Admissions section of our site, where you will find all the information needed.