Humanities is taught weekly throughout the year at Sacks Morasha, with a focus of History in the Autumn and Spring terms. This subject is an integral part of our broad and balanced curriculum. It allows our pupils to understand the present by studying the past. This gives an understanding of how society and civilizations have developed and their impact on today. Moreover, the topics we teach have been carefully selected using the National Curriculum as our starting point, whilst also incorporating our ethos of diversity and Judaism.
At Sacks Morasha we teach history through both skills and knowledge. Our starting point is through posing questions just like historians or archaeologists do. These questions will be answered using various skills such as chronology, interpretation and enquiry, to name but a few. In our curriculum we include an abstract term which is Monarchy. It is a golden thread that runs through the subject from reception to year 6. It is the hook into each topic that allows the children to build on their understanding of the term monarchy. Our golden thread is one strategy that enables the children to remember and retain more historical knowledge throughout their primary school education.
KS2 Learning Journey Jewish History