At Sacks Morasha we are committed to meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum. It is vital to us that the pupils also understand their Jewish heritage, values, and beliefs, and this is intrinsic in everything we do at Sacks Morasha. We want them to understand our local community, as well as our global community. We want them to be proud of their own culture and legacy, whilst simultaneously understanding and learning about the British Values that underpin our society today.
We teach all the National Curriculum Subjects, in Key Stage 1 and 2, as individual subjects; finding links, where appropriate, between each one. We teach Ivrit as our Modern Foreign Language from Reception. We aim to teach a broad and balanced curriculum, as well as equipping the pupils with the skills necessary for them to move onto the next stage of the educational journey.
We aim for our Curriculum to be varied, fun and exciting. We endeavour for all our learners to be engaged or stimulated, and we are striving to ensure our curriculum is inclusive for everyone especially for all those with disabilities or Special Educational Needs. We are working to ensure all our learners are resilient, can challenge and be enthused by our curriculum, as well as become independent in their learning style by the time they reach Year 6. We are ambitious and want our curriculum to challenge and motivate so that every child can achieve the optimum progress and attainment from whatever their starting point.
Please arrange to speak to either the Headteacher Mrs Barbanel or Assistant Headteacher Mrs Dena Shmuel if you have any further questions about the Curriculum.