Our approach at SMJPS is one of Maths Mastery and the idea that every child can achieve the highest standards during Maths lessons. We teach to secure a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts through small and incremental, manageable steps. The children recap their learning through retrieval opportunities to ensure they are continuously consolidating the broad and varied Maths curriculum and vocabulary. By following a spiral curriculum, our pupils are able to revisit a topic, theme or subject several times throughout their school career. The complexity of the topic or theme increases with each revisit but new learning has a relationship with old learning and is put in context. We believe the benefits of teaching in this way are that the information is reinforced and solidified each time the pupil revisits the subject matter as it allows a logical progression from simplistic ideas to complicated ideas. Furthermore, pupils are encouraged to apply the early knowledge to later objectives.
Sacks Morasha’s teaching and learning is supported by the White Rose Hub Scheme of Work and Deepening Understanding (Planpanion). Both schemes focus extensively on fluency, reasoning and problem solving. In Reception year, the children follow White Rose alongside the ‘Numberblocks Maths programme’ to engage and provide an early start to their love of learning.
In order to achieve conceptual understanding of the various Maths topics, children are provided with a myriad of manipulatives and tools which provide opportunities for concrete, pictorial and later abstract practise. These include Numicon, Dienes blocks, number discs, bar models and part-whole models. Furthermore, Maths Vocabulary and stem sentences are part of our Maths pedagogy and provide pupils with a way to communicate their ideas with clarity – in turn this boosts children’s ability to reason. Maths interventions are part of our daily timetable to support a rapid-catch up approach. Other areas of the curriculum also provide opportunities to apply Maths such as co-ordinates in Computing, times and dates in history and patterns in Art, to name just a few.
Find below our calculation policies and progression maps.